Join the Team
Chatmore offers mentorship and support for teachers in training completing their PGCE and requesite practicum hours. Our training and newly qualified teachers benefit from a flexible environment where they can truly hone their craft in their way. With a school full of supportive staff, you instantly feel part of the team and complete your programme empowered to take on the year.
If you are intersted in completing your practicum hours or starting as a new teacher here at Chatmore, please complete the below application form and note your intentions.
Current Vacancies
There are no vacancies at the moment.
Interested in joining the team?
You are welcome to submit your application even if there are no vacancies.
Complete our application form and submit required documents.
Our Culture
Our staff culture aligns with our values:
Every member of our team is valued for their expertise and personality. This is the same for how staff learn alongside students.
Professional learning and best practice is a must for us; we want every team member to feel they have learned and developed.
Working in a small school brings successes and challenges unlike a larger school. Teamwork and trust are non-negotiable and we learn a lot about ourselves and others.
Key Requirements
All staff will go through our safer recruitment process which will include:
reference checks, incl. one from your most recent school employer
background and social media checks
verification of qualifications
All staff will need to have:
SCARS training or equivalent safeguarding training
Familiarity of KCSE
A valid BEC Licence (if applicable)
A motivation letter and CV